Monday, October 15, 2012

Hiding your IP address

Each computers has a unique and individual IP addresses (Internet Protocol). From the source of Wikipedia ”The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol used for relaying datagrams (also known as network packets) across an internetwork using the Internet Protocol Suite.
It is important to hide your IP because you might not even know that it can hi -jack your data from your personal computer and it can protect your system from spyware or malware. A lot of people prefer to stay anonymously because of some reasons like gaining access toward websites that blocked IP address for some reasons, it can help you to have your own internet privacy, and internet security. Hiding your own IP is not illegal, you can hide this by installing a software for IP changer, usinf a free a virtual private network services like Hot spot shield or if you want a ad-free premium account you can purchase a subscription.
But now im going to teach you for free of cost to hide your IP address in different method.
So let’s begin,
There are many ways to hide your IP and you can set up in different way by choosing the VPN services, installing software and installing browser.
VPN Services
Hot Spot Shield is one of the best VPN Service Provider. You can have your own VPN(Virtual Private Network) for free but you need to accept their Ad program to display ads at the top of your page for everytime you browse, but if you want Ad-free you can buy a premium vpn if you want for a cheap yearly subscription. But since your new in VPN you can start the free service, you can get it rIght here just make sure to choose the free.
Freenuts is also a free VPN program that giving you a free account to access vpn. It will just work in browsers like Chrome and firefox.
Hipe IP using freeware
Free Hide IP v3.8.2.8 – One of the best freeware to hide your IP without doing any configuration that anonymize your web surfing and guarantee that your IP identity is secure and protected.
You can download it here
Hipe IP using Browser
Yes, you can hide your IP using browser. It’s simple, just download the Tor browser and utilize it everytime you wanted to be anonymous.

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